Hello, Iam Willy Kurniansyah.

Welcome to my blog. Contains content about travel, design, photography and more. Happy surfing and stay relaxed reading.

App Design

I use design software, such as Adobe Photoshop, Adobe, Illustrator, XD, Affitinity Designer and CorelDraw Graphic Suite.

Personal Web

Besides blog, I also take care of a personal website for personal data purposes and the rest I direct it to my main blog on this one.

Web Development

I do website development every 6 months. To review the page preload


My personal blog is about my travel activities, about street photography, design, history of experience and stories.

A Journey

Stay relaxed reading my journey, just chill, my friend.

About Me, Desain.
09/Nov/2019: Trip Sederhana ke Desa Wisata Kunjir, Lampung
Agustus 2019: 'Pertemanan' versi Willy K.
Tanggamus, Lampung: Bendungan Batu Tegi

This Is Me

Willy Kurniansyah

Willy Kurniansyah

Graphic Designer